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2、第 2 章 ...

  •   月光在上升,上升,黑暗把握好机会,踩着那段午夜,不留一丝痕迹。(Dark night held his this so few Luna that was even once.)
      河流之上,和冰冷水底,是丹尼尔托起我的脸,让它漂浮。后来我盲目寻找,他和他环绕空气的手腕,已被阳光取代。(Daniel killed every secret in sunny day to hand as it was before to a disappeared one.)
      蒂娜坚持着,回到原来那种样子,单纯令人措手不及。黑暗蒙蔽下,她已经丢失,在独角兽的森林。(Tina was hard to get time back innocence, those were very beautiful and left undone, and every moment was, unicorn forest.)
      水晶灯已燃烧了三个世纪,光芒中,他牵引着莉迪亚,十指交错,在那个错误的冬天。(By mistake crystal light was bringing couple, so dream it was to turn, when winter came.)
      ——童话书(One day, boy passed by a girl with no shining. Quietly, but deep piece tried to be his eyes, snowing every his word of corner.)
      ("Heaven gives it to hell." Daniel remembered this to a short end, and few times doing work. In memory of somewhere else, these words were to angel lived in peace.)
      第二天,清晨嵌入灰烬,那是一个美丽的早晨,留下教堂的玻璃。那是十二水晶,十二枚光源。那场大火,她的身影没有变。后来她还是倾倒了,微微散开的羽毛,像是一层易碎的玻璃。看不见那个天使,她的脸低垂,挂着结婚时才有的眼泪。(That morning said tomorrow was beautiful how––having numbers crystals of church. Fire did last night, in the light of angel, someone she protected these, was living in something, which they didn't know face.)
      (Attacked, rolled and rolled, that was said century for everything great. Wearing years, eyes were not sure, just for a part for break.)
      H(Height)=1/2gt^2+v0t+h(start height)
      Attack forever.

      回到眼泪之前,不服输的黑暗人物。(Although fairy tale disliked, I liked you, the dark and hard man.)
      (The someone asked where he was. Somewhere that shadow began, and so many mountains had to sink now, even if land was cold, that his face would run, being a lot of silent silvers.)
      (When fantasy gave you too many, that she stood there earlier than any other time. Human, wouldn't have this heart......In place of Vanden, was this also with another, of some ones, when dream was no far to leave.)
      飞蛾居住在夜光的梦境中。夜晚像庞然大物,只有灯光能照亮访客。院落的主人身体矫健,岁月清晰可辨。但尼洛斯骨晶,透露了他的年纪。只有当熟悉的身影穿过盛开的舞池,新的朋友中,他记不起,一只紫色的飞蛾。(A moth was dreaming true, at least numerous of type was finished daylight, it only liked his ––very long years old in his hand of crystal bone. Nobody, or anybody could ignore, that summer was still on this face, when dream began at manor beside color of purple dress.)
      金忒致辞道:不管历史已经辉煌,它就是一扇门,此刻你的身后,成为了摩尔斯学院的一部分。(Given thanks––for history today, and no more was identified from distance. Morse College welcomed the way in the future.

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